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6 Tips to Get the Best ROI on Direct Response Television Marketing

6 Tips to Get the Best ROI on Direct Response Television Marketing

Impressions, they’re like gold. They’re some of the most valuable metrics in the marketing game, and the more you have, the more you want. For decades, TV advertising has been an impression’s gold mine. Even with modern distractions like smartphones and other media,...

How Covid Changed the Marketing Landscape

How Covid Changed the Marketing Landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic threw the world a curveball. It impacted every facet of our daily lives. The shift forced entire industries to adapt faster than ever before to keep pace with consumer needs under uncertain circumstances. With face mask mandates in public spaces...

Direct Response Marketing for Beginners

Direct Response Marketing for Beginners

Once upon a time a person only needed exposure to an advertisement six times before they made a purchase decision. It was called The Marketing Rule of 6, and it was created in 1859. The theory stated that “The first time a man sees an advertisement, he takes no notice...

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